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Mr. & Mrs. Ampersand Wedding Applique / Small
Also a Member of Design Pack
Brand Logo for Kinship Kreations

Mr. & Mrs. Ampersand Wedding Applique / Small

SKU: KK3744

$2.50(regularly $10.00 Sale Ends 03/18/2025)

Downloadable Item(s)

Can be immediately downloaded.

Stitches: 13755

Width/Height: 125.22 x 172.72 mm (4.93" x 6.80")


Lowest Price Guarantee 15 Day Money Back Guarantee
Also a Member of Design Pack

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This applique was created so that you can use 2 different techniques. The technique I highly suggest is to cut out your applique pieces before trying to sew onto your project. Due to the hole in the ampersand it will be difficult to cut out after the 1st tackdown stitch. Please refer to the pillow instructions on how to sew out this applique. The 2nd technique is to cut out a square bigger than the design and place that material over the placement stitch, sew the 1st tackdown and cut out as close to the placement stitch as possible. If you are cutting your pieces out first this will just sew around the perimeter of your cutout pieces. The text was created in another color which allows you to select the same color as the ampersand or choose a contrasting color. If you have a Scan N Cut files are included for your cutter in svg format. An outline file is also included that can be used to print out and then cut out your fabric templates. Note: The design does not come with the name or the date; this is custom and you will need to have the ability to add.

Includes instructions.
Kinship Kreations LLC
[email protected]
Stock & Custom Designs/Appliques/Rhinestones

This design is copyrighted by Kinship Kreations. This design may not be distributed electronically in any format or by any method, either altered or unaltered, without the express written permission of Kinship Kreations. By purchasing this design, you acknowledge that you agree to the License Terms.

Theresa J.

Will this design fit in 5x7 hoop?

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Heather B.

Hi, Theresa and thanks for the question. The larger version of this design will not work in a 5"x7" hoop, but the smaller version will:

[email protected]

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