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Embrilliance Download Page

Embrilliance Platform
One download, one program, just add serial numbers!

Install or Update: Essentials, Enthusiast, StitchArtist, AlphaTricks, Density Repair Kit, Fonts 1/2, *Merrowly.
Also Designer’s Gallery: EmbroideryWorks, MonogramWorks, Creator.

Express mode (no serial number) runs for free. Use BX-installed fonts from anywhere in the world!
Use the menu “Help->Serial Numbers…” Learn about serial numbers…

Windows (xp – 10/11):

Embrilliance 1.175 (.zip)
If you can’t unzip, use this link: Embrilliance (.exe)

Mac  OS X 10.9 – macOS 11 on Intel (Mavericks – Big Sur):

Embrilliance 1.175 (.pkg)

macOS 12-14 on Apple Silicon or Intel, (Monterey – Sonoma):

Installer: Embrilliance 1.175 (.pkg)
Disk Image: Embrilliance 1.175 (dmg)

1.) Run the installer (pkg) from desktop because macOS may quarantine Downloads.
2.) Alternately use the disk image (dmg).
3.) You will need to grant ‘Full Disk Access.’

Manuals and Online Help:

Windows manual PDF     Windows Online Help

Mac manual PDF                Mac Online Help

*Merrowly content requires an additional .BX installer, see below.

Embrilliance Thumbnailer

Windows: Thumbnailer 3.10 (.zip)     Manual (Windows)
If you can’t unzip, use this link: Thumbnailer 3.10 (.exe)

Latest (and final) version for XP: Thumbnailer 3.10XP (.exe) or (.zip)

OSX Mojave and earlier: Thumbnailer 2.99 (.pkg)    Install Guide (Mac)    User Guide (Mac)
MacOS Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura: Thumbnailer 3.11 (.pkg)

New Mac Tech! This uses an Extension, which is Apple’s new technology for file previews. If you have any issues, check the System Preferences to ensure that the extension is added and enabled. There are fewer parts to the new technology, so less to troubleshoot. *NOTE – Apple made a decision for MacOS Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey, and Ventura whereby .EXP files cannot be shown as thumbnails. All other platforms and formats are unaffected.

Note: You will be asked for your Thumbnailer serial number.


Please install Platform version 1.170 (or later) then add the BX.

Merrowly BX v5 (.zip)     –     Instruction Supplement PDF

Merrowly is both software and content (fonts + designs). Use the Embrilliance Platform. Install the BX and add your serial number.

Note: You will be asked for your Merrowly serial number.