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Alphabet Monogram


Brand Logo for Embroidery Arts

Alphabet Monogram

SKU: Alp397A-Z


Downloadable Item(s)

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This monogram set consists of 26 embroidery files. Each file is a capital letter. The overall size is 2 1/2" high (64mm). The stitch count varies from one letter to the next, between 6,000 and 9,500 stitches.

Each letter is programmed with an applique, which allows the design to be sewn with a background color different than the garment. If this is not an issue, then the applique need not be used. The applique consists of an outline running stitch for location, a machine stop, and a low density column stitch to tack down the edge of the applique. Applique Instructions are available here.
Includes Downloadable Items
Letter A (apples)

Letter A (apples)

(2.41" x 2.49")

Letter B (butterflies)

Letter B (butterflies)

(2.26" x 2.40")

Letter C (cats)

Letter C (cats)

(2.38" x 2.50")

Letter D (ducks)

Letter D (ducks)

(2.29" x 2.39")

Letter E (elephants)

Letter E (elephants)

(2.39" x 2.40")

Letter F (flowers)

Letter F (flowers)

(2.47" x 2.44")

Letter G (gorillas)

Letter G (gorillas)

(2.09" x 2.50")

Letter H (houses)

Letter H (houses)

(2.32" x 2.47")

Letter J (jam)

Letter J (jam)

(2.35" x 2.49")

Letter K (kites)

Letter K (kites)

(2.35" x 2.50")

Letter L (leaves)

Letter L (leaves)

(2.06" x 2.44")

Letter M (musical notes)

Letter M (musical notes)

(2.36" x 2.49")

Letter N (needle)

Letter N (needle)

(2.32" x 2.50")

Letter O (oranges)

Letter O (oranges)

(2.23" x 2.50")

Letter P (palm trees)

Letter P (palm trees)

(2.30" x 2.43")

Letter S (sailboats)

Letter S (sailboats)

(2.27" x 2.51")

Letter T (telephone)

Letter T (telephone)

(2.31" x 2.43")

Letter U (umbrellas)

Letter U (umbrellas)

(2.25" x 2.48")

Letter V (violins)

Letter V (violins)

(2.19" x 2.46")

Letter W (watches)

Letter W (watches)

(2.31" x 2.47")

Letter X (xs)

Letter X (xs)

(2.70" x 2.48")

Letter Y (yo-yos)

Letter Y (yo-yos)

(2.28" x 2.50")

Letter Z (zipper)

Letter Z (zipper)

(2.63" x 2.42")

Embroidery Arts
17 Fourth Avenue
Nyack, NY 10960
Email : [email protected]

This design is copyrighted by Embroidery Arts. This design may not be distributed electronically in any format or by any method, either altered or unaltered, without the express written permission of Embroidery Arts. By purchasing this design, you acknowledge that you agree to the License Terms.

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