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Exquisite Fusible No Show Stabilizer - White - 1.5 oz / 9" x 10 yd roll
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Exquisite Fusible No Show Stabilizer - White - 1.5 oz

9" x 10 yd roll

9" x 10 yd rollH560910

$32.55(regularly $34.99 )

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12" x 10 yd roll

12" x 10 yd rollH5601210

$37.80(regularly $39.99 )

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20" x 10 yd roll

20" x 10 yd rollH5602010

$50.40(regularly $52.99 )

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Will likely ship by Friday

Exquisite Fusible No Show Stabilizer is a white stabilizer with a 1.5 oz weight. It is a translucent mesh, a lightweight cutaway stabilizer with a low-melt adhesive on one side. Ideal for items that cannot be hooped, such as leathers, silks, or other slippery items. The adhesive is activated with a medium setting on a household iron and is easy to reposition.

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