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A Resized Story

A woman would like a new blouse. She does not have the know-how to sew her own blouse, so she goes to a store and purchases a blouse. The store doesn't have her size, but she figures she can always resize the blouse later.

The woman goes home and tries to alter the blouse. With her level of sewing ability, it seems like her changes will work fine. But then she tries it on. Disaster!

The blouse is lumpy in places it wasn't lumpy before, the neckline is too low, and all sorts of things about the size change make the blouse absolutely unwearable.

The woman returns to the store, and requests a refund or professional alteration for the blouse, since it will not work for her needs. The store owner looks at the mess the blouse has become, and carefully asks the customer whether the blouse was resized. The woman agrees that she made size changes to the blouse. The store owner regretfully tells the blouse owner that changes made to the item are not covered in the purchase price of the garment. This means that the blouse cannot be returned, and any additional alterations will come at an extra cost.

The same principle applies to machine embroidery

Designs for machine embroidery are created to stitch optimally at the size in which they have been created. You are welcome to make your own alterations. However, like the woman in the story, you'll need to realize from the outset that the changes you make may not meet with success.

Many designers will make professional size changes for you at an additional cost.

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