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Perfect Stitch Viewer
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Perfect Stitch Viewer


$79.99(regularly $99.00 Sale Ends 02/14/2025)

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Embroidery File Icon Viewer

Turn Microsoft™ Windows Explorer into your personal embroidery image gallery.

Bonus! 20 exquisite embroidery designs Now you can create professional quality embroidery EVERY TIME.

Simple yet powerful utility enables you to customize file types for display in multiple icon or thumbnail sizes.

All major embroidery stitch formats supported.

20 Embroidery Designs Included

(art, .dat, .Uxy, .c2s, .gnc, .cnd, .sew, .jef, .jef , .mgl, .stt, .exp, .ksm, .vp3, .pcm, .xxx, .dst, .dsb, .dsz, .10o, .pcs, .csd, . pes, .vip, .shv, .hus)

20 free designs, angels, fairies, birds, floral borders, cats, teddy bears, roosters


* Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.

Designed to view designs loaded on a computer’s hard drive only.

Minimum Software Requirements

Windows 8.1
Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz)* or faster with support for PAE, NX, and SSE2 (more info)
RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit)
Hard disk space: 16 GB (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
Graphics card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver.

Software will run on a MAC with the use of the MAC Translator. FREE download at

Includes Downloadable Items

Sharon M.

I am rather new to embroidery. I have two machines one is a Brother SE1900 the other is the Janome Memory Craft 550E. Now, my question is can I load my files even with the two machines will it separate the languages? Can I send the embroidery to my Janome with out having to put it on a thumb drive? If I make changes to the embroidery do I have to save it and give it an additional name?

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Kirsten S.

Hi Sharon,

Welcome to embroidery!
You'll need to put your design on a thumb drive to send it to your Janome with this software. If you make changes, you do have to save if you want the changes to be kept. You don't necessarily have to give your changed file a different or additional name. Here's what will happen: if you don't rename when saving, the new version will replace the previous version. If you give it a new name, then both versions will be kept.

You can use both languages (we usually call them formats). The program won't separate them, but it will allow you to separate them if you choose to. You could save a design like design.pes for your Brother, and another called design.jef for your Janome. You could save them both in the same folder or move them to separate folders. This software allows either method.

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julia f.

I have a couple questions please. I have been using embird software for the last twenty years. And I have the embird molcule icon. What is the difference between embird icon and the perfect stitch viewer. Also can the perfect stitch viewer be use with an external drive that has my embroidery designs on it? And my last question is will I be able to use it on my computer along with my embird software, I am running windows 11 on my computer? Thanks, I look forward to your answers.

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Kirsten S.

Hi Julia,

I haven't used Embird Icon, so I looked it up. It seems to be almost exactly like Perfect Stitch Viewer in function. One thing that Icon does that PSV does not do is show a list of color stops in the icon. Another difference is that Icon needs Embird software installed in order to run. Perfect Stitch Viewer stands alone, so you can use it without having to install anything else, and it does not interfere with any other programs either. It will work on Windows 11, and will work with any external drives you plug in. It won't work on cloud storage, however.

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Jeannie I.

Will your Perfect Stitch Viewer work on EXP files on my Mac ? I have Thumbnailer and I can get every file type except EXP. files to work. Since I own a Bernina I need the EXP files to also work. I was told it's an Mac issue.

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Kirsten S.

Hi Jeannie,

I checked with Dime Inspirations Software to see what the status of EXP files is, and they said the following:

"Thank you for letting us know.
For the moment the software is not reading or getting the preview of EXP files on MACOS.
We are currently working to get this resolved.

Once we completely review it and validate that it would work properly we will let you know."

It sounds like they're having the same issue as Thumbnailer is having with EXP on Mac. Many Berninas also use PES; perhaps for a while you could use the PES view in your Thumbnailer to inform you on the EXP.

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Helen D.

I installed the program, but when I go to my file folder all I see is an 'e' not the embroidery pattern. None of my patterns are showing, all are 'e'. Help!

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Kirsten S.

Hi Helen,
It seems like you may have a file type association interfering with the program's ability to display an image.
Does the E look like this?

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Helen D.

Sorry I have not replied, not been well.

The 'e' I see is pictured below. I thought that if I would be able to see the actual embroidery. Thanks for any help you can give me.

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Kirsten S.

Hi Helen,
I'm sorry to hear you've been unwell, and I hope that you feel better now.

You are correct that when you use Perfect Stitch Viewer, it will show you the actual embroidery, and not a letter e. What I believe is happening is that your computer has gotten your embroidery formats associated with a different program, instead of Perfect Stitch Viewer. That can be changed, so that Perfect Stitch Viewer is allowed to display your embroidery designs.

Your image of the 'e' didn't come through, so I'm not sure which program it might be that is being associated with your embroidery files. The good news is that it's not necessary to know for sure which program it is, to fix it. I should have asked if you are using Windows and which version, since the fix looks a little different from XP to 7 to 8 to 10 to 11, although it is similar in all versions, and also different in Mac.

Here is a page with instructions for changing file associations in Windows 11:
And here is a page with instructions for changing file associations in Windows 10:

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Helen D.

Hi Kirsten. I tried the instructions you sent for Windows 11, but I can not find thumbnails. I do not have Embriliiance, I only have Edit n Stitch and Letter It. I am adding a picture of what I see when I go to my embroidery files.

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Kirsten S.

Hi Helen,

You are on the right track. When you see the blue "e" icon on an embroidery file, Right-click the file, choose "Open With," and select "Choose Another App" from the Settings. After, select the app that you would like to always open this file type with. In this case, that's Perfect Stitch Viewer. You may need to browse other programs if you don't see Perfect Stitch Viewer in the suggest list of apps.

screen shot of choosing applications
Choosing " Look for another app on this PC will give you a window that lets you browse programs on your computer. I think you may find Perfect Stitch Viewer under G7 Solutions:

screen shot of Programs list

Click the folder to see what's in it, and when you find the Perfect StitchViewer icon, go ahead and click on that.

Check the box beside. "Always use this app to open extension files." Then select OK.

This should fix your file association issue, so that all of your embroidery files of the type that you performed these steps on will now show the picture of the design.

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Helen D.

I'm sorry to be a pain, but when I open G7Solutions all I have is Embroidery ToolShed. When I open it, I have ISShed.exe. Am I missing the Perfect StitchViewer part?

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Kirsten S.

I'm sure that's my mistake. I thought since Tool Shed and Perfect Stitch Viewer are both Dime Inspirations products, that they would both be in the G7Solutions folder. It must be somewhere else. I don't have PSV on my computer at the moment, and can't check that out. Maybe look for a folder called Dime or Inspirations instead.

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Helen D.

When a design is resized, do you have to save it or can you send to your machine to start stitching?

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Kirsten S.

Helen, thanks for that question. You'll need to save your changes in order for them to be sent to your machine with the Embroidery Tool Shed software. You can save your changes with a different name from the original if you would like to preserve both options.

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Sandra V.

It said when I purchased the Perfect Stitch Viewer it also included 20 free designs . How do I download them?

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Kirsten S.

Hi Sandra, thanks for asking about the free designs. When you install Perfect Stitch Viewer, the free designs are installed for you, with no extra step required. Find them in this folder: c:\dime\designs\perfect stitch viewer free designs\c2s. The easiest way to find them may be to open Embroidery Tool Shed (which also comes free with Perfect Stitch Viewer if you haven't already installed it separately) and click the file button at the top, as Eileen does in this instruction video:

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Renee C.

Can I store all my designs in this software? Oesd? Sweet Pea? Etc?

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Kirsten S.

Hi Renee,
You can use this software to view all of your embroidery designs, no matter where they were purchased. The software itself does not store designs; that is done by your computer and you deciding where to put them on your computer file system. Perfect Stitch Viewer allows you to see pictures of your embroidery designs instead of just their names:

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Sandie S.

Is Perfect Stitch Viewer the same as Embrilliance Thumbnailer? My Perfect Stitch Viewer does not show me what is in the zipped files, or folders (they much be opened first to view the pictures). BUT will Thumbnailer let you see what the pictures of the designs are in the zipped files and inside categorized folders?

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Kirsten S.

Hi Sandi, they are different programs, but they do serve the same function. neither of them displays files that are in zips. Both require zipped files to be open before displaying what's inside.

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tina s.

Hi, could you tell me if the perfect stitch viewer sorts out the designs in categories please. Thank you. Cheers T

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Kirsten S.

Hi Tina, it does not. Buzz Catalog is one that does that.

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tina s.

Thank you for your time and help.

Cheers Tin

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Mary H.

can free designs still be downloaded from this site?

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Kirsten S.

Mary, if you were wondering about the 20 free designs that come with Perfect Stitch Viewer, they are embedded in the software. You don't need to download them separately.

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Leah W.

Hi, Mary,

Thank you for reaching out to We do have 3 free designs that are new every week. You can check them out here. For further access to free designs, you might also consider becoming a member of our Eclub. Eclub members can choose one design from over 20,000 designs for free each week. They also receive special sales and pricing. I hope this information answers your question. Please let me know if there is anything else we can help you with and have a wonderful day!

~Leah L.
[email protected]

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mirna p.

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