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Design Creations - Holiday Series Vol 5- Christmas
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Design Creations - Holiday Series Vol 5- Christmas

SKU: 0407

$39.00(regularly $49.00 )

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Design Creations - Holiday Series Volume 1- Valentines

This volume includes 12 original embroidery designs with accompanying artwork and video lessons for each design. Follow professional digitizer James Lyman as he masterfully teaches you how to create each design—and as each design features a different technique, your digitizing knowledge will soon expand to include a wide variety of methods!

"This is really for James Lyman . . . I have to tell you that I've been working on the disc I got when I bought the package and they are GREAT! I have only completed a few of the designs and I already feel much more confident with the software than I did before. James does a great job teaching, and following the moves on the screen is very easy. This is just what I was looking for when I wanted some instruction in this program!" --Marilyn

Lessons may be completed in any order and are intended to help you learn your software, master the art of digitizing and be on your way to creating beautiful embroidery. Design Creations brings the classroom right to your fingertips!

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