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Hemingworth Water Soluble Thread
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Hemingworth Water Soluble Thread


UPC: 785459688107

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Hemingworth Water Soluble Thread is designed to temporarily hold fabric in place and then dissolve completely in water leaving no trace behind. It is ideal for techniques like machine and free-motion embroidery, applique, quilt basting and patchwork and is a wonderful alternative to pins, basting and glues. It's so simple! When it's time to remove your stitches, just throw your project into your washing machine or rinse with water and the thread will dissolve leaving no residue behind.

  • 900m spool
  • 40 weight
  • Water soluble

Here are some uses:

  1. Machine Embroidery: Water-soluble thread is often used with in-the-hoop projects to keep fabric layers in place during the embroidery process and can be easily removed by dissolving in water after the design is complete.

  2. Free-motion Quilting: Quilters use water-soluble thread to baste or tack layers of fabric together temporarily before quilting. It eliminates the need for traditional pinning or basting, making the quilting process smoother.

  3. Decorative Stitching: When you want to create delicate and intricate lace-like designs on fabric, water-soluble thread can be used for decorative stitching. After stitching, you can dissolve the thread to leave behind a lace-like pattern.

  4. Appliqué: When appliquéing fabric pieces onto a background fabric, water-soluble thread can be used to temporarily attach the appliqué pieces in place. Once the pieces are securely stitched, the water-soluble thread can be dissolved.

  5. Faux Piping and Cording: Water-soluble thread can be used to create faux piping or cording by stitching along the edges of a fabric strip, which can be dissolved afterward, leaving behind a corded or piped effect.

  6. Mock Smocking: In smocking and gathering techniques, water-soluble thread can be used to create temporary gathering lines that can be easily removed after the desired effect is achieved.

  7. Lace Making: For handmade lace and intricate lace patterns, water-soluble thread can be used to create the temporary structure of the lace before removing it with water.

  8. Thread Painting: Artists and crafters use water-soluble thread for thread painting or thread sketching to create detailed and realistic images on fabric.  If dye is used, water-soluble thread can be used for masking. The thread is dissolved afterward, leaving the painted design intact.

  9. Cross-stitch and Counted Thread Embroidery: Some cross-stitch and counted thread embroidery designs require temporary guidelines or grid lines to ensure accurate stitching. Water-soluble thread can be used for this purpose.




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