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Mill Hill Glass Seed Beads, Size 11/0 / 02025 Heather
Brand Logo for Mill Hill

Mill Hill Glass Seed Beads, Size 11/0 / 02025 Heather

SKU: 02025

UPC: 098063020257

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Will likely ship today

Mill HIll Glass Seed Beads, size 11. Add these tiny little beads to a needlework project for a little sparkle and shine! Available in a variety of colors, each sold separately. Package weight and bead count may vary by color.

Mill Hill is the leading brand of beads for bead stitching. Their uniformity of color and shape is appreciated by stitchers. Seed beads are small, almost round in shape and come in assorted colors and finishes.

Rhoda M.

2035 shimmering apricot 2036 shimmering bittersweet

2087 shimmering sea

These colors came in 2.85 grams and I needed the 4 gram packs to make two matching skates

Please tell me how we can remedy this issue.

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Leah W.

Hi Rhoda,

Thank you for making us aware of this issue. I am sorry to hear that you received a different amount than what was advertised! We would be happy to send you another package of each color. It may be tomorrow before we are able to get an order out to you. In the meantime, can you please send a picture of your bead package to [email protected] so that we can properly document and fix the problem? Thank you again for making us aware. Please let me know if you have any questions and have a great day!

Leah W.
[email protected]

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Rhoda M.

I just ordered this color and it’s a 2.85 gram pack but this says it comes in 4 grams I need at least a 4 gram pack to mak two matching skates so can u send me another 2.85 gram pack of this color?

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Leah W.

Hi Rhoda!

I just added them to the order that you placed this morning, free of charge of course. You should receive them soon. Thanks again for bringing this to our attention! I will follow up with my team to make sure that our listing is accurate so that others in the future won't have the same problem.

Leah W.
[email protected]

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