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Light Switch Cover

Light Switch Cover

Decorating light switches is a great way to light up a room. You may have done this in the past with wall paper why not try it with embroidery?


Gather together the materials needed for this project: scissors, regular tape, two-sided tape, a switch cover (intended for this purpose), a screwdriver, and the embroidered sew out.


Have the switch plate carefully removed by an individual familiar with electricity or by a licensed electrician.


Trim the stabilizer away from the embroidery by cutting along the guidelines.


Trim away the center of the design being careful to cut only the stabilizer not the fabric.


Carefully cut a slit in the center of the opening.


Notch each corner of opening to create flaps.


Fold each flap over and secure with tape to create a clean opening.


Take the back portion of the switch plate cover and apply two sided tape right above the opening for the switch. (This tape will secure the embroidered fabric in place.)


Take the back portion of the switch plate cover as shown in figure 11 and apply two sided tape right below the opening for the switch. (This tape will secure the embroidered fabric in place.)


Position the cover directly on top of the embroidered fabric, simply line up both rectangles. Make sure the embroidered swatch is facing down. Press together.


Take the clear plastic cover and hold it underneath the fabric and pinch the two elements together.


Cut off any excess fabric.


Before installing the cover on the wall take the cover apart. Fold back the top portion of the cover.


Carefully place the plastic guard over the existing switch, and screw it to the existing switch using the two screws that came with the cover. If you are unsure about how to do this hire a licensed electrician to do it.


After the screws are installed take the plastic cover and press it onto the cover base. It should snap onto the white plastic base. Be careful not to push too hard.


Impress everyone with your embroidered lightswitch!

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