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Caron Collection Impressions, Variegated

Caron Collection Impressions, Variegated

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Caron Collection Impressions, Variegated is a 50% wool 50% silk blend. It comes in 246 hand-dyed colors which coordinate with Watercolours and Waterlilies. Impressions is about the same weight as Wildflowers, but has more loft. It is very versatile and can be used on fine linens as well as larger counts of needlepoint canvas. You can often control the look of your stitches to create either a sculptured or a satiny look simply by adding or subtracting one strand. The blend of wool and silk gives a unique appearance as the two fibers reflect light differently, giving your stitching great depth. 36 yards per skein.

Louise T.

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Leah W.

Hi Louise,

Thanks for using our forums. It looks like you started to leave us a comment, but nothing came through. is there something I can do to help you? Please let me know if you have any questions, and have a great day!

Leah W.
[email protected]

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