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Babylock® Esante ESE2

Babylock® Esante ESE2 sewing machine.
Machine Info. from Babylock®
Needle Type: Flat Shank Domestic
Bobbin Type: Style L
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Please message us if you have additional info on this machine.

Gayle K.

I just got this machine but it looks like there might not be a embroidery unit so I'm looking to find one and the cost. It has manuel extra preasure feet, but i beleive I will need the unit to do embroidery

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Jeanne E.

Hi Gayle,

I believe you are correct, it needs to have an embroidery unit for doing embroidery. We don't sell machines, but if you need price information then you can check with the Babylock website. Have a great day!

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Sherry W.

I am need of help. I would like to use my machine to make a custom design on a few hoodies. I have the Palette e line creative system, Version 2.0. (Don't Laugh) Is it possible to attach this system to a laptop? My husband thinks there is an adapter which would connect to a usb connection. and if I do get it connected, would it be useable?

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Kirsten S.

Hi Sherry, I'm not very familiar with the Palette e line Creative system. I've been looking it up to try and understand what you need. I think This is basically a card reader and writer box system with software. And the box itself doesn't connect to the computer by USB, so you're wondering if you could get a USB conversion since most modern computers don't come with the attachment type that the Palette e line uses.
Well, I think that's possible.
I think this is what you would need.
Adapter cables are fairly inexpensive, so I think I would try it!
There may be nuances to the type of cable needed. You could try calling Babylock to see if they can tell relevant specifications on the 9-pin connection their box uses. 1-800-313-4110. With its age, calling might not get you anywhere, but may be worth a shot!

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Carla T.

I have this machine complete with all attachments, a clear stand to use it as a sewing machine, all the various hoop sizes, and about 15 cartridges. It belonged to my mother who passed away 2 years ago. I had great thoughts of keeping it because it was hers, but I’ve got my own plus 2 sergers so I’m think8ng about selling it. I have no idea what to ask for it. It’s in excellent condition. thank you for any help!

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Beatrice G.

Sorry on the loss of your mom, it sounds like she shared her love of sewing with you. If you have not sold this machine, I may be interested. Do you have the manuals? Thanks.

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Heather B.

Hi, Carla. We're sorry to hear about your mother's passing.

As regards selling the machine, we'd recommend to check used sites to see what they are selling for and price yours similarly. Here's a search I did that might be helpful:

Best regards,

[email protected]

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Gail E.

I have been gifted an estente ese. but I don't have a manual. I have gotten it setup and tried to sew but i get a birds nest under the hoop. I believe that know enough about sewing that it would the tension. I need the find an manual or be able to download. thank you in advance. Gail E

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Jeanne E.

Hi Gail,

Thanks for checking. We have looked around online, and found the Estente Ese manual. Here is a link to it: Please let us know if you have any other questions. Have a great day!

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i bought one of these recently and it has the hoops and manual and extras like the presser foots and the bar for your knee...but I HAVE zero idea on how to use it...thinking this was a bad choice as I can not find ANY videos or instructional guides to assist me. Oh DEAR!

i do believe that it is missing the little thingy (?) that helps automatically feed the thread into the needle and haven't a clue as to what that part is to search for it and try to get one.

ANYONE, please help guide me to the right something.


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Kirsten S.

Hi Maria! Congratulations. I do hope we can help you find how to get started. I wasn't able to find anything in video, but
Here's a page where you can find the manual and other FAQs:

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Jorge R.

Just for information, but the Esante is a very old model and its manual is from the late 1990's, so more than 20 years old. Book copyrights expire after the death of the author +70 years years, and any copy of whatever can be made in pdf or any other format for free after that. But in the case of companies' publishing manuals for obsolete/old instruments will not violate copyrights from anyone, because it is free with no intent to defraud the original publisher, and companies see this mostly as a way of either because they see the user manual’s availability as a benefit to their customers or even as free advertising and the potential of a purchase of a newer model from the same company to upgrade the older model. And that applies for all kind of out-of-print works, unless is a literary work. See Copyright laws.

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Heather B.

Thank you for the feedback.

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Latonya E.

I was gifted this machine but they couldn’t find the manual. I’m looking to purchase or download the manual for model ese2.

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Laura W.

Latonya, I was recently willed the Esante ESe2 without a manual but I was able to call around to different sewing machine stores and found a store that had a copy and they sold it to me. You could try that, although I'm sure right now it might be hard with how things are in the country right now. Hope this helps, stay safe.

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Phyllis F.

I emailed BabyLock and they sent me the PDF file for the machine. I can send it to you if that is allowed or just email them and ask. Hope that helps. I was just given the esante and can’t get it to embroider. It will do letters without the attachment, but they slant upwards as they are stitched. Very frustrating! Anyway, good luc

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Allyson S.

Hi Phyllis,

Because of you I emailed BabyLock but they didn't get back to me. Is it possible to buy the PDF from you? My machine is older and doesn't have the USB port capabilities. Thanks so much for any help you can give me.

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Debbie F.

I happen to have this machine

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Heather B.

Debbie, I am deleting your comment as copying your book is not acceptable due to copyright.

[email protected]

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Heather B.

Hi, Latonya. Congrats on the machine. Unfortunately, the Esante ESE2 Manuals appear to be hard to find. Your best bet would be to keep an eye on sites such as Ebay for a used copy.

[email protected]

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