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Let's Mingle & Jingle Cross Stitch Pattern
Brand Logo for Imaginating

Let's Mingle & Jingle Cross Stitch Pattern

SKU: 3253

UPC: 054995132536

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These merry little gnomes are ready to bring you some of their holiday spirit with the latest snowglobe series release from Ursula Michael! Let's Mingle & Jingle is designed to be stitched on 14ct White Aida fabric and uses 10 different colors of floss.
This design is rated ES (Every Stitcher) because of the suggested fabric and only 10 different colors of floss.
Design Size: 114w x 130h
Recommended Floss: DMC
Suggested Fabric: 14ct. White Aida

Manufacturer: Imaginating
Counted Cross Stitch Pattern

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