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Sealing Embroidered Soap (with craft sealer)

Sealing Embroidered Soap (with craft sealer)

In a related technique, we placed an embroidered motif on embroidered soap. Now we'll seal the embroidery on the soap so that the bar can be used without removing the embroidery. This method is perfect for the decoupage crafter.


After your embroidery and soap fusion has dried for 48 hours, you can apply a sealing coating. Today, we're using the popular craft coating, Mod Podge®.


Apply the craft sealer with a brush or sponge directly to the embroidered area of the soap. It goes on white, and dries clear.


In this example, the entire front side of the bath bar is sealed. The brush used has shed hairs onto the soap, which in this case we chose not to remove. Clean up your work area with water immediately.


After drying for 15-20 minutes, there is a fine glaze with a somewhat tacky touch covering the top of the bath bar. Now that it has dried, the sealant is waterproof. Your embroidered bath bar can now be used.

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