"A crown fit for a Princess." This is a beautiful crown in pink. All crowns follow the same basic instructions (included). This design is available in two sizes (both sizes included in this purchase). Large size: for 7x12 (180x300mm) or larger hoop. Medium size: for 6.25 x 10.25 (160x260mm) or larger hoop. Each size consists of one file. Both sizes use the same instructions.
Approximate Finished Size:
Large: 6.70" h x 11.58" w
Stitch Count: 36,547
Medium: 3.5" h x 10.15" w
Stitch Count: 31,796
This design is copyrighted by PunKin Design. This design may not be distributed electronically in any format or by any method, either altered or unaltered, without the express written permission of PunKin Design. By purchasing this design, you acknowledge that you agree to the License Terms.