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DMC Pearl Cotton Balls Article 116 Size 12 / 642 Dark Beige Gray
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DMC Pearl Cotton Balls Article 116 Size 12 / 642 Dark Beige Gray

SKU: 11612642

UPC: 077540044092
$2.89(regularly $3.08 )

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Will likely ship by Tuesday

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DMC Pearl Cotton Balls, size 12, promises to provide dimension and volume to your next embroidery project. With a reputation as the most beautiful thread in the world, this luminous cotton thread is highly mercerized and non-divisible. It's soft and silky and ideal for embroidery, needlepoint, hardanger, blackwork, redwork, pulled thread, smocking, applique, crochet, and other types of creative stitchery. 131 yards per ball.

Natalia A.

Hi, Charlotte. How I can add to my wishlist dmc pearl cotton size 12 color 3865? It's not available now??

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Leah W.

Hi Natalia,

Thank you for reaching out with your question. Unfortunately it doesn't look like color 3865 is available in size 12 on our website. I'm having a hard time finding it anywhere else online and it is out of stock through DMC directly. This leads me to think that 3865 is generally unavailable in this size. I would recommend taking a look at Blanc or B5200 as substitutes. Thanks again for your question. Please let me know if there is anything else that I can do to help you and have a great day!

Leah W.
[email protected]

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Hello Heather or whomever! A question for you. I tat - picked it back up after a while - and I'm looking to tat miniature doilies for miniature rooms my Mum and I made and thus I want to use fairly thin thread to make tiny pieces. I LOVE the look of your threads but it's really hard to find a REAL comparison chart. So: how do your lovely DMC Pearl Cotton Balls Size 8 or Size 12 compare to Lizbeth size 80? Thanks for your help and I suspect I'll be back on these boards again. Alley

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Linda S.

Allison, I just found an article you might want to read about floss and doll house miniatures:

DMC Pearl Cotton Size 12

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Linda S.

Allison, I don't tat (would love to learn how someday but I'm already 81 years young) and I do counted cross stitch. In it, we use embroidery floss which has 6 threads per one shank or whatever you call it. In my work I have to divide the 6 strands into strands containing 2 threads, so i really get 3 strands out of the shank of floss. You might want to consider looking at embroidery floss and see if using either one strand out of the 6 or two strands out of the six would make your lovely doilies for your "doll house" or "small room". Just buy one skein of floss of any color you want to try and see if that works for you. In my case, I'm looking for a floss that is a bit more substantial than my 2 strands of the 6 floss and cotton floss size 12 or 8 might be my answer. I'm going to try the size 12 first. I don't know if I've stepped on any toes and if so, I deeply regret it. I'm only trying to help Allison, a fellow needleworker except she uses either a crochet hook or a knitting needle (both of which I've also used).

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Leah W.

Hi Linda,

Thank you for your insightful comment! Let me assure you that there were absolutely no toes stepped on in the process. :) We love it when our customers are able to interact and help each other on these forums. Good luck with your size 12 thread! We are happy to have you in our embroidery community. :)

Leah W.
[email protected]

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Amie C.

I'm a tatter, too! I use both Size 8 and Size 12.Size 12 is bigger than Size 80. I believe Size 12 is comparable to Size 20. Size 8 is closer to Size 8.

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Kirsten S.

Amie thanks for chiming in! We appreciate your expertise. I tat a little, myself, but I haven't done enough to be knowledgeable about thread size comparisons.

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Donnett H.

HI Allison

So I have done some research to be able to answer your question. Of course there is a size difference but I could not find exactly what the size difference is in any type of measurements other then size 80 and size 12.

Here is the difference in the thread itself... Lizbeth Cordonnet Cotton Size 80 is a 6-cord cordonnet that has outstanding body that holds its shape. The 100% Egyptian cotton thread is hand-dyed, color-fast, mercerized and gas-singed.

DMC Pearl Cotton Balls, size 12, is a mercerized, 100% cotton, S-twisted, 2-ply thread with high luster. This is a non-divisible thread which creates a slight raised effect.

I hope this gives you a little bit more info please let me know if you have any other questions.

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Yeah. Well now you know MY problem! Thanks for looking Donnett, but unfortunately the question IS what the size difference is: to make REALLLYYY TINNNY antimacassars I think I need the thinnest thread and without a comparitor I'll end up wasting thread! But thank you for trying. It's tough and I wish SOMEONE would make a really good comparison page somewhere! Stay SAFE Alley

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Donnett H.

If you want the smallest I would go with size 80 as it is the smallest choise that I know of.

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Charlotte J.

Looking for #3 cotton embroidery thread in blac

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Heather B.

Hi, Charolotte. We offer Pearl Cotton size 3 in skeins only. Here's a link to black in size 3, if it is helpful:

[email protected]

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Margaret s.

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Margaret s.

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