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Madeira Heavy Metal No. 30 200m / 6030 Silver Heavy Metal #30
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Madeira Heavy Metal No. 30 200m / 6030 Silver Heavy Metal #30

SKU: 9844-6030

UPC: 4003760015006
$5.49(regularly $5.99 )

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Heardwearing metallic thread. Can be washed at high temperatures (up to 95°C/210F). Resistant to bleach and chlorine. Shining finish, ideal for use on sportswear, jeans, and all fabrics subject to heavy use and frequent washing.

50% polyester, 50% metallized polyester. 200m (220yds) per spool.

Tammy B.

This thread was very nice for my job, a badge design. Good color and sheen for what I wanted it to look like.

However, I used too heavy of a backing, and experienced many, many thread breaks. Took 3 hours to get it sewn out.
On the next shirt, i switched to a lightweight, cut away backing, and no problems at all.
This is on a moisture wicking shirt, and I'm hoping the design doesn"t pucker after use and washing.
I'll let you know.

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Heather B.

Good information, Tammy, thanks for the feedback.

[email protected]

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