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Lace Friendship Bracelet

In this project, we will make a unique friendship bracelet.


Gather the following materials: Lace Friendship Bracelet design(s), Water Soluble Stabilizer, Thread & Bobbin Thread (same color), Sharp 11 Needle, Spray Starch, Wax Paper, Paper Towels, Bowl & Water.


Cut a piece of water soluble stabilizer that is a little larger than your hoop.


Hoop water soluble stabilizer, making sure that it is hooped very tightly.


Place hoop onto your machine and embroider the lace design of your choice.


Once the design is done embroidering. Remove from the machine and trim the excess water soluble stabilizer around the outside of the design.


Then add hot/warm water to your container. The water should be high enough in the bowl so that the entire lace bracelet will be submerged.


Place your lace design inside the container. Let the design soak for about 10 – 15 minutes, or as directed on product packaging. This will remove the water soluble stabilizer from the design.


Remove the design from the water and blot dry with the paper towel.


Now place the design on wax paper and let it dry. You can place another piece of wax paper on top of the design. To make sure the design dries flat add a heavy book(s) on top and leave it there for 12 to 24 hours.


Iron the lace bracelet if desired, making sure to place a thin cloth over the lace so it does not get scorched by the iron. Now your lace bracelet just needs a clasp and chain added to each end. You can find these at most craft / hobby stores.

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