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How can I save a design off-center?

Maybe you have a design that you know you want to stitch near the bottom of your hoop. Have you noticed that no matter how it shows in your software, your machine always starts it in the center of your hoop?

Guess what! There is a way to make that happen in the software so that you don’t have to adjust it manually at the machine.

The secret is in the basting box. With just a button push, Embrilliance Essentials will automatically add a basting box to any design. Just change the size of your basting box, and place your design where you want it to be in that box. Presto!

Now what about the basting box? If you prefer to skip it, you can do that, but basting is also useful to stabilize your design, and then those stitches can easily be removed after stitching.