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Is there a good reason to have embroidery software on my computer?

I can see my embroidery designs on my machine. Why would embroidery software on my computer be helpful?

Here are five good reasons to consider getting embroidery software for your computer.

1. Know what you own (Save time, save money)

Embroidery software will allow you to see the designs on your computer as well. You know the expression “out of sight, out of mind!” When you can see the designs, you can find the one you need without having to re-download it, or (worse) re-purchase something you already have. This video shows an example of how one program (Embrilliance Thumbnailer) allows you to see designs on your computer for organizational purposes.

2. Know what's coming and fix it before you stitch it

Embroidery software will allow you to change your designs on your computer before stitching. Change the colors to suit your wishes, and preview what they will look like. This video shows an example of changing colors in an onscreen preview. Would this design work in white? No more guesswork! This video shows previewing thread an applique fabric colors using Embrilliance Essentials.

3. Personalization!

Embroidery software lets you put text with your designs. Most embroidery machines come with limited lettering capabilities. With embroidery software, lettering styles, sizes, and properties (curved text, multi-line text) abound. So if you want to know what else you can do, check out embroidery software for your computer! This video shows adding curved lettering using Embrilliance Essentials.

4. Editing

With embroidery software on your computer, you can change designs by making them smaller, larger, adding text, rotating, flipping, removing parts, and even merging separate designs together. This video shows merging three different designs together with Embrilliance Essentials.

5. Sizing - Compensating for machine’s sewing area

We’ve all been told at some point, that our machine has a 4”x 4” sewing area, then we go out and buy a design that’s 4” big, and our machine won’t recognize it. It may be only a millimeter too large, but the machine still won’t recognize it. With embroidery software, you can open the design on your computer, shrink it by a small percentage, and thereby render it recognizable to your machine.

Are there more reasons? Sure! Feel free to add comments below.

Elaine T.

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Cheryl H.

Thanks! I'm liking what you've shown.

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Heather B.

Great! Happy that was helpful, Cheryl.

[email protected]

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joanne h.

Great videos, very helpful. Thank you. I have PE Design which is a very old version and will not work on Windows 7, so I need to upgrade in order to use 1 of my embroidery machines. I am wondering what is the difference in Embrilliance and PE Design that would make my decision to switch easier and more helpful to me.

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Kirsten S.

Hi Joanne,

Thanks for your question. I have not used PE Design, but here are some differences between it and Embrilliance that I'm aware of.

1. PE Design has PhotoStitch, which automatically creates embroidery designs from photographs. Embrilliance does not.

2. PE Design is one program - you buy it all or nothing. Embrilliance is a full service software, but you can buy it in pieces, so if you right now mostly want to edit and convert designs, you can buy that module - Essentials - now, and wait to add the StitchArtist modules when you are ready to digitize. When you buy each module, they all are added into your Essentials software window, so that you don't need to open multiple windows to do different things in embroidery.

3. Embrilliance does not require a dongle. PE Design does. Embrilliance also allows you to install and use the software on as many computers as you own, in Windows or Mac format.

4. PE Design is Windows only. Embrilliance is available native to Mac or PC.

5. Embrilliance has a 90 day money back guarantee. I'm not sure what PE Design has in that department.

I hope this helps you decide!

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Donna E.

I am interested in this program! will it work with my Brother Innovis 1500 ?

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Kirsten S.

Hi Donna, Yes it will! You can save designs to a USB from Embrilliance, in the format you need, and then transfer them to the Innovis USB drive.

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Roberta K.

I would really like to know whether changing the format of a design will change the design? I have been using Janome embroidery machines, but I want to switch to Brother. If I have a design that is in JEF format and I change it to work on a Brother, what will happen to it? I would want to keep the many designs I own that are JEF, but I would not want them to change size or density because the format changes.

Thank you

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Kirsten S.

Hi Roberta,

I echo Heather -- ordinarily there will not be significant changes when converting from one format to another. I've converted thousands of designs for companies. On a few occasions there were problems where the conversion just didn't work, but on those occasions it was only necessary to re-convert it the design, and all was well.

Usually when you convert from one format to another you will see a slight change in the number of stitches (2 or 3 stitches differences) because of the way the different formats interpret the fill areas, and as Heather noted the colors shown will usually change from one palette to another. The design's size and density should not change in a straightforward conversion.

There are some situations where a design from one format would need to be split in order to fit another format. Since you are going from JEF to Brother, this is not likely to be an issue.

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Heather B.

Hi, Roberta. Thanks for the question. Saving the design from one format to another shouldn't change the size or density. You might see a shift in the coloring, as colors aren't the same from format to another, but that's about the only obvious effect I can think of if you do a simple "save as" and select your format as PES.

P.S. Do be aware that if you have purchased any designs from, our designs can be re-downloaded in another format of your choice from the My Designs page, if that's helpful.

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catherine b.

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