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Story Books

Story Books

Starbird's storybook design packs create two entire fabric books. This tutorial will show you how!


You will need a few materials: We suggest one package of quarter inch double folded bias tape, three pieces of 12" x 12" quilt batting, two pieces of 12" x 12" broadcloth (for the front and back cover), four pieces of 12" x 12" broadcloth (for the inside pages), thread to match your fabric colors, fabric chalk or removable marker, straight pins, scissors, and a ruler.


Embroider all pages (including the cover designs) on the broadcloth squares.


Mark a line creating a margin 1 1/4" from each of the four sides of each book cover and page design.


Cut out the front and back cover and pages as marked in step three. Trim the backing fabric to the edge of all four sides of each design.


Pin the front cover and page one with right sides together. Also attach a layer of quilt batting to the underside. Sew a 1/4" seam around three sides, leaving one side (the side to be bound) open. Trim sewn corners to eliminate bulk. Zig-zag seam edges together to finish seams (to avoid raveling). (Note: Sew with batting against the machine plate to avoid getting the machine foot caught in the batting.)


Turn front cover and page one right side out. Repeat step five, sewing pages two and three together and page four to the back cover. Turn right side out.


Assemble book with covers and pages in order. Pin book together along unfinished edge.


Using a deep zig-zag stitch, sew pages together.


Cut a piece of 3/4 " double folded bias tape two inches longer than the side of the book being bound. Pin bias tape to the side of the book to be bound, extending one inch of bias tape beyond the top and bottom of the book. Tuck the one inch extensions of bias tape to the inside of the binding. Fold the binding over the book edge to be bound and sew close to the edge of the binding.


Note: The edge of the book that is being bound may be quite bulky. If so, machine stitch the binding to the front side of the book. Fold the other half of the binding to the back of the book and attach it to the back cover with hand stitching (a blind stitch).

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