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Family Reunion Fridge Magnets

Family Reunion Fridge Magnets

Get attention paid to family reunion plans -- send an embroidered fridge magnet. It keeps everybody posted.


We used the designs "Family BBQ Grillin' & Chillin'(small)" (KL37) and an oval (JF12W). First, print a production sheet for KL37. Enlarge the oval so that the BBQ design fits inside it (we made ours 4.72" high).


Print a production sheet of the enlarged oval onto card stock, and cut the oval out. This is a template we will use later.


Embroider "Family BBQ Grillin' & Chillin'(small)" (KL37) on a sturdy fabric, such as canvas. With your oval template, mark an oval around the stitched design. Repeat the embroidery for each magnet you intend to make, taking care not to stitch any designs over the marked oval borders around previous designs.


Hoop a sheet of heavy water soluble stabilizer, such as Badgemaster.


Begin stitching the enlarged oval design and stop after the first oval line of stitching is finished.


Spray the oval shaped area with embroidery-safe spray adhesive, such as 505 Spray 'n Fix


Cut out one of the "Family BBQ" designs and press it in place over the stitched oval.


Finish stitching the oval border, and it forms a nice finished edge around your design. Repeat steps 4-8 for each magnet you are making.


Pull the finished badges out of the stabilizer.


Peel away the Badgemaster backing from the finished ovals.


Stiffen the ovals with a spray & press starch.


Next trace the ovals onto a sheet magnet. Cut the magnet ovals to fit the embroidery.


Glue the magnet to the back of the embroidered oval.


Let the glue dry, and your magnets are finished.

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